When several persons at the same time and in the same place focus their attention on the same thing their presences and alignment add up, becoming a force of its own. This opens up an opportunity for the individual to examine a topic more deeply, supported by this „energy field“. This is great because a lot of things are more fun when in contact with others, and the diversity of all present enriches the experience greatly.
Workshops or other group processes bring together people who share an interest in or deal with the same issue and who want to explore it further.
Individual reasons to join are for instance:
- enjoying intense contact with other people
- the wish to expand one’s creative expression
- the wish to recognize one’s own behavioral patterns and experiment with alternatives
- the wish to broaden one’s own horizon by making use of other people’s experiences and perceptions.
Depending on the group and the topic the exploration of a chosen „theme“ can turn out very playful or highly focused and concentrated. This applies to movement / dance exploration as well as to mental discourse with and without words.