Individual Sessions
Body and Movement oriented Coaching (BMoC)

BMoC individual sessions are no substitute for an expert medical examination or treatment!

BMoC works with movement and dance in the broadest sense – since already when we breathe movement is happening, and as long as we continue breathing everybody can dance (her or his life).

Our perception of this dance (of life) – of how connected or disconnected, free or impeded we are in it – directly influences how we cope with life and how we shape our  relationships.

BMoC builds on the body’s wisdom (in movement). Through the direct physical experience this wisdom allows us to explore this very moment on the one hand as well as all kinds of possibilities, alternatives, and variations of life’s dance on the other. Different qualities of movement and approaches to our own body can be tested and – if viable – transferred into real life. Neither a specific form nor knowledge or skills in dancing are necessary. Everybody begins at her/his individual starting point.
Last but not least BMoC trusts in the dance’s inherent healing ability, because dancing fosters movement and contact and opens a path to joy and vitality.

If you choose individual sessions you have decided to attend to and accept support with matters that stir inside you and are possibly weighing you down, even blocking you. So in our sessions I will go by whatever you bring as a topic, whatever stirs in your heart or stands in your way. Sometimes the issue can already be named quite clearly, sometimes we find out together – often it is both.
In the session you will have plenty of space to explore your topic, discover connections, and integrate new ways of acting and perception. I will support you through movement, music (sometimes other media, too) as well as in reflecting exploratory dialogue. You receive inspirations and feedback. Dance therapy knows many ways and methods, and I apply them where helpful for your individual needs. What all approaches have in common is the emphasis on direct experience of body and movement. The focus clearly lies on exploration and experience rather than analysis and discussion.

Often individual sessions in body and movement oriented coaching can support, clarify, resolve e.g.:

  • Feelings / states of disconnect, blockages, lack of energy
  • Situations of conflict, difficulties in contact with other people
  • emotional stress and entanglement
  • physical discomfort (medical examination may be necessary prior to BMoC session)
  • longing for self-fulfillment, personal growth, more vitality and contact in life a.m.

For sure BMoC sessions help you to

  • discover the liberation of expression through movement
  • come into contact with yourself
  • discover your resources
  • get to know and love the bright and the dark side in you.

To me self-healing begins with expressing the bright AND dark aspects of being human, accepting they both exist in us; knowing that everything can change, and allowing it to.

Jack Kornfield describes it this way:

All Buddhist teachings can be summed up as: „It is not always this way.“

Jack Kornfield

Location and prices

Individual Sessions are possible according to prior agreement in the following locations:

Canary Islands:

In the west of Tenerife: in our private surgery in Guia de Isora/Aripe,

In the south of Tenerife in the “consulta” of Hacienda Cristóforo, Calle Horno, 10, Playa Paraíso

Germany: Dußlingen close to  Tübingen/ Zentrum für Ganzheitliches Heilen, Therapie und Geistige Arbeit, Austraße 55, in my own surgery

Germany: Heidelberg, Surgery in Feuerbachstraße 26, HD-Südstadt

Prices in Germany: 70 € for 60 minutes/ 90 € for 90 minutes

Prices Canary Islands: 45 € for 60 min / 65 € for 90 min

Time, frequency and duration will be scheduled individually. My method allows for various different arrangements.


My method

My method is based on a systemic view on people, their behavior, and general interactions (read more : Systemische Tanztherapie ). It also reflects my practical-spiritual understanding of the world and human beings, concepts which I experienced through my teachers and have since developed further.

BMoC individual sessions are no substitute for an expert medical examination or treatment!

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